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Positive Changes | Card Spread

Positive Changes


Card Position Meanings

  1. The Present: This card represents your current situation and serves as a starting point for positive changes in your life.

  2. Release: This card signifies what you need to let go of or release in order to create space for positive changes. It may be a habit, belief, or relationship that no longer serves you.

  3. Transformation: This card symbolizes the positive transformation or personal growth that awaits you. It reveals the potential for profound positive changes in your life.

  4. Opportunities: This card represents the opportunities that are available to you right now. It reveals the possibilities and options you can explore to create positive changes in various areas of your life.
  1. Action: This card indicates the specific action or steps you need to take to manifest positive changes. It provides guidance on how to actively pursue the opportunities and transformations you desire.

  2. Support: This card signifies the support, resources, or people that will assist you in your journey towards positive changes. It reveals the external factors that will help you along the way.

  3. Outcome: This card represents the ultimate outcome or result of your positive changes. It offers insights into the potential rewards, benefits, or growth that you can expect to experience as a result of your efforts.

Sample Reading

Remember, tarot readings are subjective, and the interpretation of the cards can vary. It’s essential to trust your intuition and use the cards as a tool for self-reflection and guidance.
Cards shown are from The Dreamkeepers Tarot deck by Liz Huston

How can I improve my current financial situation?

1. The Present


The Page of Pentacles suggests that you are currently in a phase of learning and gathering practical knowledge about your finances. It’s a time to be diligent and focused on your financial goals.

2. Release


The 2 of Pentacles advises you to release any financial habits or patterns that are causing instability or imbalance. It’s time to let go of juggling too many financial responsibilities and find a more harmonious approach.

3. Transformation


The 2 of Cups indicates that a positive transformation in your financial situation is possible through partnerships and collaborations. Consider exploring joint ventures or seeking financial advice from trusted individuals to enhance your financial prospects.

4. Opportunities


The Lovers card suggests that there are significant opportunities available to you in your financial life. These opportunities may involve making choices based on your values and passions. Embrace opportunities that align with your true desires.

5. Action


The 9 of Pentacles advises you to take action by cultivating financial independence and self-sufficiency. Focus on building your resources and investing in yourself. Take practical steps towards financial stability and long-term growth.

6. Support


The Ace of Wands indicates that you have access to creative energy and inspiration to support your financial goals. Tap into your passion and enthusiasm to find new ways of generating income or pursuing entrepreneurial endeavors.

7. Outcome


The Fool represents a fresh start and a leap of faith. The outcome suggests that by embracing a sense of adventure and taking calculated risks, you can experience financial abundance and freedom. Trust in your intuition and be open to new possibilities.
Overall, this spread suggests that by releasing old patterns, embracing opportunities, taking practical actions, seeking support, and being open to new experiences, you have the potential to transform your financial situation positively and embark on a prosperous journey. Trust yourself and take the necessary steps towards your financial goals with enthusiasm and confidence.